Our releases

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09/06/2013 BLACK METAL Patch (words) Merchandise
09/04/2013 MEGOPHOBIA "μ" CD-R
09/04/2013 Life's Illusion "Memories" Tape
09/04/2013 APF "La Otra Ciencia" Tape
09/03/2013 NORWAY Flag Patch Merchandise
08/25/2013 Dysphoria "Dysphoric Mania" CD-R
08/23/2013 URUK-HAI "Nebelberge" CD-R
08/23/2013 Xlll "l" CD-R
08/15/2013 THE OORT CLOUD "Hibernis" CD-R
08/15/2013 BACKPATCH: Black Metal Merchandise
08/12/2013 V/A - Tribute to BURZUM CD-R, Compilations
08/10/2013 Almofar "Mare Imbrium" CD-R
08/07/2013 WISIK "Sang Ghaib" CD-R
08/07/2013 SPELL FUNEREAL "Requiem" CD-R
08/07/2013 TG / Cryptorsatan "split" CD-R
08/06/2013 FINALLY HAPPY "Im not fine" CD-R
08/06/2013 NOLDOR / RINGBEARER "split" CD-R
08/02/2013 EVIL (Brasil) Patch Merchandise
08/01/2013 MULDEPONIE patch Merchandise
08/01/2013 ARHYST - Birth of hybridity CD-R
08/01/2013 Khrabat "Einsamkeit" CD-R
08/01/2013 DURHAKA - Black God Crusher CD-R
