Our releases

You can keep track of new releases of Depressive Illusions Records using RSS feed

05/13/2019 BURNT - Demonized Tape
05/13/2019 BURNT / Ex Igne - Split Tape
05/13/2019 BURNT - Mournful Elegy Tape
05/13/2019 LANDFROST - Nigrae Mortem Tape
05/13/2019 LANDFROST - Dark Times Tape
05/13/2019 LANDFROST - Demo I Tape
05/11/2019 BURNT - Burnt Tape
05/11/2019 Glaedawe - II: Dagger Tape
05/08/2019 Wanderer logo Patch Merchandise
05/08/2019 Landfrost Patch Merchandise
04/29/2019 MORANNON - Forgotten Forest Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - The Cave Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - Final Chapter Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - The Path Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - The Last Land Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - Cold Forest Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - A New Chapter Tape
04/29/2019 MORANNON - Morannon Tape
04/27/2019 Glaedawe - I Tape
04/27/2019 Farost - Návrat mŕtvych Tape
04/27/2019 1389 - Garda crnog jarca Tape
04/27/2019 Xarzebaal - I Tape
04/27/2019 Xarzebaal - II Tape
04/27/2019 Etéreo "Anseio" Tape
04/27/2019 ELGRA - Night Magic Tape
04/27/2019 ELGRA - Forest Kingdom Tape
