THERM. EYE. FLAME - Solar Nebula

THERM. EYE. FLAME - Solar Nebula

Modernized Black Metal is a change of classical
themes, conceptions and sound of Black Metal. It's a musical platform
consisting of dominating part of pure black metal with micro & macro
sprincles in the bulk of Industrial, Ambient, Noise and their products.

Music is soaked with the spirit of futurism. Urbanism, the cosmos,
pain, paranoia... that is the meaning of M.B.M. by eyes of T.E.F. Solar
Nebula is much more orthodox, speedy and depressive then Spherical.
Eight tracks will plunge you into conceptual black metal, noise ambient
vortex lasting about 40 minutes.

Malice, hatred, paranoia, death, fear, cosmic coldness - are far not
the end of terms characterizing the second album of THERM. EYE. FLAME.
The cold aggression as this

Price: 10.00€
