Minblod - Apparition And Aberration

cut 888: Minblod "Apparition And Aberration"
Pro manufacture CDR in dvd case with 24 pages lyrics-book + vinyl sticker of band logo. Released in cooperation with HUMID Records.

"Minblod  are  a  band  from  South  Carolina  that  plays  a  mixture  of  depressive  black  and  doom  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of t heir  2013  album  "Apparition  And  Aberration"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Humid  Records  and  Depressive  Illusions. Drums  range  from  slow  to  mid  paced  playing  with  no  fast  drumming  or  blast  beats  being  present on t his  recording,  while  the  bass  playing  has  a  very  dark  tone  with  riffs  that  follow  the  riffing  that  are  coming  out  of  the  guitars,  as  for t he synths  when t hey  are  utilized  they  bring  a  very  atmospheric  and  dark  ambient  sound  to  the  recording. Rhythm  guitars  range  from  slow  to  mid  paced  riffs  that  combine  depressive  black  metal  with  doom  to  create  a  sound of  their  own  and  there  are  no  guitar  solos  or  leads  present  on  this  recording. Vocals  are  all  high  pitched  and  grim  sounding  depressive  black  metal  screams,  while  there  is  not  much  in  the  way  of  lyrics,  as  for  the  production  it  has  a  very  dark,  raw  and  primitive  sound  to  it   with  some  of  the  songs  being  long  and  epic  in  length. In  my  opinion  Minblood  are  a  very  great  sounding  hybrid  of  depressive  black  metal  and  doom  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should c heck  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Dark  Mysteries"  and  "Heuristic  Construct".  RECOMMENDED  BUY."
- OccultBlackMetalZine review

"For most of my life, I've had a slight hearing issue. Not the sort of thing you could really diagnose and treat, just the sonic equivalent of everything blurring a little around the edges. It wouldn't surprise me if the extra focus this requires of me has contributed heavily to my great appreciation of listening to the intricacies of music. I listen for the notes between notes, the hidden things that bands might not have even intended for us to hear. When I hear a murky album like Minblod - "Apparition And Aberration" I get a rush from the challenge and the promise of hidden sounds just waiting behind the blur of noise. Minblod's music works in textures more than individual sonic components. While a determined ear can separate the instruments from each other, the first listen gives little more than a heavy blanket of distortion and shrieks. As the listener focuses, there is almost a calming sensation amid the bleak atmosphere that Minblod creates. The dense fuzz becomes a layer of fog enveloping the listener rather than an obstacle between the music and the listener. Indeed, there is a certain meditative quality to these songs, many of which plod along at a slower pace than is traditionally accepted in black metal. The slow pace paired with the density of the music take the lo-fi template of artists like Xasthur to new depths of isolation, as presented on tracks like "Three Permutations." However, unlike depressive groups who share a similar aesthetic, Minblod seems to be simply acknowledging the inherent chaos in every moment  rather than simply holing up and wallowing in self-pity. Indeed, closing track "Heuristic Construct" has an almost redemptive quality to its relatively mellow ambiance, as if rewarding both listener and artist for surviving the album. This album is available for download courtesy of Humid Records and will soon see physical release from Depressive Illusion. The album comes on CDr in a DVD case which holds a booklet explaining the philosophical journey on which "Apparition and Aberration" takes the listener. To say that the brief essays contained within are challenging reads would be an understatement, but they detail the artist's thoughts on our ability to observe ourselves using our established tools of perception. This companion booklet really makes the physical release a must-have, so keep an eye out. "
- Black Metal and Brews review

Price: 8.00€


See also

Unique Audio Formats
CD, Boxed set