RESTLESS - Funeral Impressions

cut 2952: RESTLESS - Funeral Impressions
Funeral Doom Metal from Italy in the early THEATRE OF TRAGEDY way with members of Ieschure, Dovrefjell, Erzsebeth, Exercitus Septentrionale, Fjellheim, Galdorcræft, Idunn, Incanto Lunare, Nattens Vokter, Orve, Pestferd, Skugge, Waldweg, Winterscars, Ydolothytum, Brunhilde, Eöl, ex-Orcs, Abysmal Growls of Despair, Ancient Lament, Arrant Saudade, Catacombed, Hangvart, Plagueprayer, Ursus Horribilis, ex-Morimus Funereus.
Tape limited to 66 copies with 2 sided pro-cover inlay.
Depressive Illusions Records.

Price: 6.99€


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