Anatomia De Vanitats - The Anthropic Principle GOLD PRINT SPECIAL PACK!!

De Vanitats is Mercé Spica from ELDARs solo project,
this is an intricate album bubbling with details, a
steamy dark ambient epic.

cosmology, The Anthropic Principle states that any valid
theory of the universe must be consistent with the existence
of human beings. "If the universe must verify certain
conditions to our existence, these conditions are
checked because we exist." The various attempts to
apply this principle to the development of scientific
explanations of the universe cosmology have led to
much confusion and controversy..
"The world is necessarily as it is because there are beings who wonder why so"

Composed and produced by Mercé Spica at Oxid Studios Barcelona 2013
Mastered Simon Heath, Design by Alonso Urbanos

Price: 12.00€