Black Metal / Pagan Metal / Blackgaze

Thanathron / Empheris - The Rituals of Possession in Blasphemy

Limited to 1000 copies.

Tracks 1-5 taken from "Hiarra" EP, 6-7 from "Promo 2006". Tracks 9-11
taken from "Flamethorns" demo, track 12 taken from "Ancient Necrostorms"
advcd. Track 13 performed live at Metal Cave, Warsaw during
"R'Lyeh'Fest" November 2005. Track 14 taken from "A Twilight of the
Ancient Victories" reh/demo, September 2004 with Cruiser on drums. Intro
by Empherion, March 2006.

Blackened Thrash Metal from Poland

Price: 9.99€
