WANDERER "Passing the abyss"
WANDERER "Passing the abyss"
Re-released of album 2004.
Atmospheric Black Metal from Ukraine.
Members of Lych Gate, Tangorodream, Dusk Chapel, Mysterion Noctum.
Tape limited 100 copies.
WANDERER project was created in the summer of 2003 by two participants
known as Mysterion and Dragonheart. The basis for their joint creativity
was their common ideas and expeditions to the ancient natural monuments
which embodied the burden of the bygone centuries, and whose secrets
were not always and willingly unveiled at once, but unveiled in any way.
During these expeditions the project concept was also discussed. Both
participants already had their own bands and sufficient experience in
musical activities at the moment of WANDERER’s creation. Therefore, as
soon as the image of the project was created, they set to work without
In 2004 the band recorded the first album «Bypassing The Abyss», which
was released later by Magik Art (Russia). Composing and recording of the
album took 3 months of summer and 2 months of autumn of 2003, the rest
of the time was taken looking for a label. Many interesting facts
concern the album recording and releasing. The drums were recorded in
the apartment on the third floor of a five-storey house to the "joy" of
neighbors and residents of the house across the street. The drums
furiously roared day by day till the moment when all tracks were
recorded. Inhabitants of the house, probably, also sighed with relief
when the record session finished, but it was in vain: it was just the
Mysterion trained his vocal skills in the forest, where he also enjoyed
to paint his pictures. When he sang - cut-glass ware danced on the
shelves of a pub. Namely in that moment some troubles occurred, and this
fact almost affected the fate of the album - unexpected problems with
health overtook the vocalist. Heroic libations before the recording
stood as an anesthetic agent and allowed overcoming the troubles till
the day, when the last track was recorded. Thus, without looking at
vicissitudes of life, the album was ready. However, on the way to the
label via snail mail, the master-CD was scratched, and was delivered for
replication with defects in the form of clicks. Soon after the issue of
this album the label collapsed, and the album didn't get any wide
distribution and attention.
See also
Tape |
CD-R |
Merchandise |
CD |
Merchandise |
Tape |
Merchandise |
Tape |
Merchandise |
Tape |